Monday, October 13, 2008

Good news

I got a call this afternoon from a man named Bobby Johnson. I had no earthly idea why a Bobby Johnson from Minnesota would be calling me. He explained that his family was featured in the same episode of Real Families Real Answers that we are and he just had to call me to say how much our story had touched him. He said that the episode had already showed and we didn't even know because it was supposed to be on in December. We looked it up online and watched it and let me tell you it is GOOD. Get out the tissues and have a watch. Go to and go to Tune in now BYU television and click the link. Then go to the listings and go to Saturday October the 4th at 1:30 pm. This is a powerful episode and is almost exactly what we prayed for. The expert they had commenting has a bit different view of autism than I do so please don't think that I agree with her. You do NOT lose your child when they have autism which she called a chronic mental illness, I do not feel it is a mental illness, but rather a different way of being. I hope that other families will be reached by our story. Please pass this along to anyone you know who might need it.

Edited to add: Try this link and go to October 14 at 8:00pm.


Aprilyn said...

I have been wanting to watch that show but I never remember. I'm too busy to watch TV much these days. I got the link to your blog from an email in the feeding group. (I'm kind of new there.) I'll have to watch for you guys. Are you LDS? I just wondered because you said the show is on BYUTV and my husband goes to BYU.

Jenny said...

We are not LDS. We are Southern Baptist. We are very proud of how we were portrayed on the show. It very accurately portrays our struggle and our joy. I was watching a women's conference on BYU tv a couple years ago because The FLYlady was speaking. While I was there I clicked on the link for Real Families Real Answers and shared my story and much to my surprise the producers chose us.

Melissa said...

I would like to thank you for your beautiful family and the inspiration you are to me. . .I have no way of understanding what you go through each day but your faith and love for Jesus Christ leaves tears in my eyes. I worked on the project RFRA when I went to BYU and I loved every second of it because I knew it would influence families. I moved before the completion of the project. It's amazing to have met the wonderful producers and see their passion in making this project happen. Thank you again for both you and your husband's happiness and amazing will to be in the hands of the Lord's. I'm so grateful you shared your story!